
We build the well-being you deserve.

Thanks to wood and our technology we offer you the best housing solution.

Then, only Wolf Haus install it

We assemble each of our creations with coordinated and in-house trained teams: this is an indicator of construction excellence, respect for assembly times, attention and precision in reducing and eliminating potential problems that may occur on construction site. Our assembly teams build Wolf Haus wooden structures throughout Italy. We formulated a team, consisting of wood construction professionals, trained in-house, who arrive on site wherever you are, from South Tyrol to Sicily. Same procedure, identical protocol, excellent manufacturing quality.

A team of 274 people working for you.

A company is also a leader thanks to its people and its organisation. This is why we have a large professional structure, always ready and timely in giving you answers. With us you can always check the process, from your request to the final delivery. Thanks to our team, you will get the maximum in terms of time, competent and quick answers, in harmony with your request.

Here we set up the house together

Here with us, the exhibition space of the showroom is very large: we have a demonstration path of all the benefits of a wooden house. You and your trusted technician will be our guests on site for a "full immersion" in the showroom. You can view the details of your future home with our consultants, choosing the materials, the finishes and the technical specifications. You will experience the innovative seismic simulator, whereby visitors experience the most intense earthquakes in recent history, demonstrating the level of resistance of our homes, in order to protect you and your family.

Here you can prove our experience

What is the significance of "wood" living? Why choose Wolf Haus? You can find the answers here with us, in Campo di Trens, in the exclusive and futuristic demonstartion house: "Wolf Haus Energy Plus". Feelings that cannot be explained, must be tried ... We are waiting for you to try this experience!

We produce everything here!

To have a strong and well-built structure and to guarantee the necessary housing standards, it is essential to have an in-house production plant, instead of leaving the house prefabrication to out-sourcing. The precision and perfect execution of the prefabricated structure is the "keystone" to obtaining an excellent home in a short time. Wolf Haus has always been structured to carry out every process under its "quality control".

Then, only Wolf Haus install it

We assemble each of our creations with coordinated and in-house trained teams: this is an indicator of construction excellence, respect for assembly times, attention and precision in reducing and eliminating potential problems that may occur on construction site. Our assembly teams build Wolf Haus wooden structures throughout Italy. We formulated a team, consisting of wood construction professionals, trained in-house, who arrive on site wherever you are, from South Tyrol to Sicily. Same procedure, identical protocol, excellent manufacturing quality.

A team of 274 people working for you.

A company is also a leader thanks to its people and its organisation. This is why we have a large professional structure, always ready and timely in giving you answers. With us you can always check the process, from your request to the final delivery. Thanks to our team, you will get the maximum in terms of time, competent and quick answers, in harmony with your request.

A team of 274 people working for you. - Wolf Haus

A team of 274 people working for you.

A company is also a leader thanks to its people and its organisation. This is why we have a large professional structure, always ready and timely in giving you answers. With us you can always check the process, from your request to the final delivery. Thanks to our team, you will get the maximum in terms of time, competent and quick answers, in harmony with your request.

Here we set up the house together - Wolf Haus

Here we set up the house together

Here with us, the exhibition space of the showroom is very large: we have a demonstration path of all the benefits of a wooden house. You and your trusted technician will be our guests on site for a "full immersion" in the showroom. You can view the details of your future home with our consultants, choosing the materials, the finishes and the technical specifications. You will experience the innovative seismic simulator, whereby visitors experience the most intense earthquakes in recent history, demonstrating the level of resistance of our homes, in order to protect you and your family.

Here you can prove our experience - Wolf Haus

Here you can prove our experience

What is the significance of "wood" living? Why choose Wolf Haus? You can find the answers here with us, in Campo di Trens, in the exclusive and futuristic demonstartion house: "Wolf Haus Energy Plus". Feelings that cannot be explained, must be tried ... We are waiting for you to try this experience!

We produce everything here! - Wolf Haus

We produce everything here!

To have a strong and well-built structure and to guarantee the necessary housing standards, it is essential to have an in-house production plant, instead of leaving the house prefabrication to out-sourcing. The precision and perfect execution of the prefabricated structure is the "keystone" to obtaining an excellent home in a short time. Wolf Haus has always been structured to carry out every process under its "quality control".

Then, only Wolf Haus install it - Wolf Haus

Then, only Wolf Haus install it

We assemble each of our creations with coordinated and in-house trained teams: this is an indicator of construction excellence, respect for assembly times, attention and precision in reducing and eliminating potential problems that may occur on construction site. Our assembly teams build Wolf Haus wooden structures throughout Italy. We formulated a team, consisting of wood construction professionals, trained in-house, who arrive on site wherever you are, from South Tyrol to Sicily. Same procedure, identical protocol, excellent manufacturing quality.

Our projects


Our figures speak for themselves

High production capacity, advanced technologies and solutions.

31 Locations
50 Years
of experience
400 Employees
in Italy
1000 Wooden houses
per year
3500 Employees
7000 Structures built
per year

A Wolf Haus is "CE" certified and more…

Contrary to the industry trend, WOLF HAUS has chosen to certify the entire production and construction process. While other companies merely assemble individually certified materials and neglect essential aspects such as production and assembly, WOLF HAUS guarantees comprehensive quality, namely a fully CE-certified building (würde ich nicht schreiben).

ISO 9001 - Wolf Haus wooden houses

ISO 9001
Gestione della qualità

La norma ISO 9001 promuove l’adozione di un approccio per processi nello sviluppo, attuazione e miglioramento dell’efficacia di un sistema di gestione della qualità, al fine di accrescere la soddisfazione del cliente mediante il rispetto dei requisiti posti dal cliente stesso.

ISO 14001 - Wolf Haus green buildings

ISO 14001
Tutela ambientale

La norma ISO 14001 fornisce una struttura gestionale per l’integrazione delle pratiche di gestione ambientale, perseguendo la protezione dell’ambiente, la prevenzione dell’inquinamento, nonché la riduzione del consumo di energia e delle risorse.

ISO 45001 - Wolf Haus wooden houses

ISO 45001
Gestione Sicurezza e salute

La UNI ISO 45001 consente alle organizzazioni di attuare un sistema di gestione della salute e della sicurezza sul lavoro che aiuta le organizzazioni a gestire meglio i rischi e a migliorare le loro prestazioni attraverso la creazione e l’attuazione di politiche e di obiettivi efficaci.

ISO 50001 - Wolf Haus wooden houses

ISO 50001
Sistemi di gestione dell'energia

La certificazione permette di definire politiche di gestione dell'energia supportate da obiettivi concreti, un approccio sistematico per un miglioramento continuo delle prestazioni energetiche e per una maggiore efficienza e sostenibilità dell'energia.

SA 8000 - Wolf Haus wooden houses

SA 8000
Responsabilità sociale d’impresa

SA8000 è un sistema di gestione focalizzato sulle condizioni di lavoro. È lo standard accreditato riconosciuto a livello internazionale che risponde alle esigenze delle organizzazioni che vogliono distinguersi per il loro impegno nello sviluppo sostenibile e in particolare per le tematiche sociali.

UNI/PdR 125 - Wolf Haus wooden houses

UNI/PdR 125
Paritá di genere

La UNI/PdR 125 prevede la misura, la rendicontazione e la valutazione dei dati relativi al genere, perseguendo l’obiettivo di colmare i gap attualmente esistenti e incorporare il nuovo paradigma relativo alla parità di genere all’interno dei valori dell’organizzazione.

CQOP SOA - Wolf Haus wooden houses

appalti pubblici

L’attestazione SOA è una certificazione che comprova la capacità economica e tecnica di un’impresa di qualificarsi, in categorie di opere e classifiche di importo, per l’esecuzione di appalti pubblici di lavori di importo maggiore a 150.000 euro.

EOTA - Wolf Haus green buildings


La certificazione ETA fornisce una garanzia tecnica di qualità e conformità di un prodotto da costruzione, caratteristiche e prestazioni verificate con test di laboratorio. Verificate da enti terzi anche tutte le fasi: dall’acquisto alla progettazione fino alla produzione.

CE - Wolf Haus prefabricated wooden houses

Marcatura CE

Una volta ottenuta l'ETA, il produttore può apporre il marchio CE sul prodotto, indicando che il prodotto è conforme ai requisiti stabiliti dalle direttive europee e che le caratteristiche sono state verificate in base ai più alti standard.

Green Building Council Italia - Wolf Haus wooden houses

Il bilancio di sostenibilità

Il bilancio di sostenibilità è uno strumento aziendale per trasmettere ai propri stakeholder le performance ESG (ambiente, sociale e governance) dell’impresa e i progressi compiuti in questi ambiti; mira alla trasparenza comunicativa e all'impegno etico.

SALE - Wolf Haus wooden houses

Sistema Affidabilità Legno Edilizia

Nato dalla collaborazione tra Assolegno e Conlegno, il protocollo identifica Aziende costruttrici di edifici in bioedilizia, in grado di garantire realizzazioni durevoli e di qualità. Applicato alle modalità operative e produttive del Costruttore, garantisce conformità e finanziabilità dell’opera.

PEFC - Wolf Haus prefabricated wooden houses

PEFC standard

Il marchio PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) è un sistema di certificazione forestale riconosciuto a livello internazionale. Garantisce che i prodotti in legno provengano da foreste gestite in modo sostenibile e che rispettino rigorosi standard ambientali, sociali ed economici.

Collaborazioni e

KHCC - Wolf Haus eco-friendly houses Green Building Council Italia - Wolf Haus wooden houses Klima Aktiv - Wolf Haus green buildings OFV - Wolf Haus eco-friendly houses RAL - Wolf Haus wooden houses Green Building - Wolf Haus wooden houses BDF - Wolf Haus eco-friendly houses Wien Zert - Wolf Haus wooden houses Verband - Wolf Haus eco-friendly houses Baumeister - Wolf Haus prefabricated wooden houses


Negli ultimi anni sono stati assegnati alla nostra azienda diversi premi nazionali ed internazionali, che esaltano le competenze tecniche ed accrescono il valore sociale del nostro impegno. Ma i riconoscimenti ai quali siamo maggiormente legati sono i continui attestati di stima e di soddisfazione dei clienti che abitano le nostre case.